Blog | Nathan Akrill


Welcome to my Blog!

28th March 2019

✒ So, Ive made a blog

Blogs have been around for quite a while now, and theyre a great way for people to not only have their own voice on the internet, but their own space too.

Ive built myself a blog, mostly because as a web developer, I can. It will also serve as a space where I can just write down my thoughts on any given subject matter because who knows, they might be useful one day! (I know, who am I kidding ?‍🤷‍♂️).

? How did I do it?

⚠ Non-dev people aware this will get techy!


At the base, this site is built on WordPress. WordPress is a great platform to use as a CMS, expecially for blogs and websites focussed around posts.

Im only using WordPress for its CMS and also Yoast SEO plugin. The rest I built myself using Timber. Timber is a wrapper that sits between the WordPress PHP and the developer, meaning that I can build this site without (hopefully) having to touch a .php file.

Aside from that, this is a fairly standard blog. Ive got my Sass and Javascript making things pretty, and then it comes down to the content!

Edit 04/02/20 See my post about how I've since updated my blog's technical stack

✍ What do I write about?

Well, pretty much anything I want to! My interests include Web Development, Comics, Movies, TV Shows, and importantly as a Christian: Jesus. Im planning on making this blog cover a huge range of topics that I am interested in.

So hopefully, that explains this site. I hope you find the stuff on here interesting, or useful. Thanks for visiting!

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